Information Security Policy

    Promoting information security at ATB is one of the priority strategic orientations adopted by the bank in its development.
    That is why we base our information security policy on the principle of the prevention by protecting information assets against internal or external, deliberate or accidental threats, in order to improve the satisfaction and the confidence of our clients and partners.

    Therefore, the pillars on which our information security policy is based, are mainly presented as follows:
      • To consider that security is a fundamental value, a factor of progress and an indicator of quality and efficiency ;
      • To ensure the availability, the confidentiality, and the integrity of the information and the means of proof and control ;
      • To ensure compliance with the various codes of conduct adopted by ATB concerning the use and the management of information technology and telecommunications;
      • To ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, national and international standards for the security of information and communication systems.

    To achieve these objectives, ATB set up ISMS (Information Security Management Systems) in accordance with ISO / IEC 27001:2013.

    The Top Management is supporting this approach and affirms its commitment to enhance the information security at all bank’s levels.

    This regulatory framework and the associated standards aim to ensure, the compliance with any legislation for the information use and processing, particularly personal and confidential data and the use of informational assets.

    We are also committed to leveraging our knowledge and know-how to continuously improve our security of information and communication